Why Fair Trade Rocks

Mark your calendars, Greener Gooders: October is Fair Trade month! What is Fair Trade, you ask? Although you’ve probably seen a Fair Trade Certified or FAIRTRADE logo floating around certain retailers (ahem- our store), you may not know exactly what that stamp of approval means.

Fair Trade is the concept that workers in developing countries should be properly compensated for their products. Totally crazy idea, right? Unlike goods sold through the traditional supply/exchange system, Fair Trade Certified/FAIRTRADE goods are purchased from cooperatives as directly as possible, allowing the original producer (e.g. the farmer, clothier, or jeweler) to get a much bigger slice of the proverbial pie.

The Fair Trade Labeling Organization establishes a fair base price for commodities, which aims to cover not only the price of the product, but also the worker’s living expenses, education, medical bills, and the needs of their family. In addition to benefiting the communities of farmers and workers, Fair Trade Certified goods are sustainably produced, meaning that crop management is done as organically as possible, and with minimal use of chemicals. Workers are taught how to farm without damaging the environment, how to properly dispose of waste, and how to control erosion and agricultural diversity.

The Greener Good supports the empowerment of marginalized and underprivileged communities, so you can find tons of Fair Trade awesomeness at our store! The Andean Collection, creators of the “Amazon” necklace pictured above, is a social enterprise based in Ecuador that invests all profits back into the company and the social programs it supports, helping to lift South Americans out of the vicious cycle of poverty. As an added benefit, their jewelry is also gorgeous, so you can look good and feel good at the same time!

Other Fair Trade companies you can find at TGG include Lily and Laura (whose outrageously popular bracelets we just restocked!), ARTELUSA, Sari Sak, PACT, Badger, Equal Exchange, RootWorks, Dsenyo, Kate Quinn, and tooooons more. Come celebrate Fair Trade Month with us and support the obliteration of poverty this October!


For more information on Fair Trade, visit these links (and stay tuned for Friday’s blog entry!):

